Annual infra / STRUCTURE Summit Las Vegas
Marshalling resources for taking cloud to the ground.
An ecosystem gathering for operating executives.
Subscription Clients
Clients of Structure Research that currently subscribe to our annual service.
* 2 Complimentary Tickets. Additional tickets can be purchased here.
Please reach out to Structure Research for registration assistance.
Compute-Oriented Operating Infrastructure Service Providers
Executives with operating infrastructure service providers across data centres, cloud, MSP, edge and managed infrastructure.
*Complimentary for maximum of two executives per operating infrastructure service provider (compute and storage infrastructure) before July 1, 2025. Complimentary for maximum of one executive per operating service provider (compute and storage infrastructure) from July 1, 2025 and on. Sales and Business Development Executives below C-level excluded.
*Complimentary for maximum of one executive per operating infrastructure service provider (connectivity and communications infrastructure). Sales and Business Development Executives below C-level excluded.
**Operating service providers must operate data centres and deliver colocation or cloud infrastructure services directly to end users.
***Structure Research reserves right to determine category of companies and attendees.
****Sister companies counted separately.
* Follow pricing schedule below. 2 complimentary tickets per company for operating executives.
Additional tickets can be purchased here.
Enterprise End Users and Hyperscalers
End user decision-makers and infrastructure procurement personnel. Please reach out to Structure Research for assistance.
Complimentary if qualified.
Finance, Energy and Real Estate
Executives and advisors working in finance and real estate in support of operating infrastructure service providers.
Follow pricing schedule at the bottom of the page.
Vendors, Suppliers and Consultants
Executives working for vendors that supply products and services to operating infrastructure service providers.
Follow pricing schedule at the bottom of the page.
About this event
Concurrence: the fact of two or more events or circumstances happening or existing at the same time.
The Internet infrastructure sector has always been characterized by steady and incremental growth, with disruptive events (the 2008 financial crisis and the COVID-19 global pandemic) setting off counter-cyclical tendencies. But beneath the surface there have always been various moving parts shaping the consistent trajectory of the sector. And this sometimes overlooked activity is more pronounced then ever before.
The rise of hyperscale cloud was the first true game-changer for the sector. We are now at the doorstep of a second inflection point, with AI set to kick off another wave of aggressive growth. But the path from point A to point B is far from a straight line. There are various shifts happening simultaneously, with resource constraints, supply chain challenges, growing capital requirements, new technologies, persistent legacy portfolios, forthcoming regulatory issues and infrastructure redesigns all being undertaken, reconsidered (2024 theme) and recalibrated (2023 theme) for the next-generation that is coming. And it is all happening at an accelerated pace (2022 theme).
It definitely feels like there is something very different this time around. We invite you to join us to explore and make sense of these concurrent themes at infra / STRUCTURE 2025 in Las Vegas.
Pricing Schedule:
→ Early Bird ends April 1st - $900
→ Standard - $1,300
→ Approaching - $1,500
→ Closing - $2,000
All prices are in $USD
No refunds after September 15, 2025
Wynn Las Vegas | Las Vegas, Nevada
We will provide a discounted room block link after you have completed the registration process.
For more information regarding the event, please contact:
Candice Rodriguez, Director of Business Development
Natalia Lukes, Marketing Manager
Emily Chalk, Founder, East of Ellie, an iMiller Public Relations Events Partner