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AI Ecosystem Report.


Executive Summary

Internet infrastructure has always been a CapEx-intensive business with various elements that need to be assembled to create a successful operating service provider. The inherent complexity of infrastructure services has helped seed extensive ecosystems across hardware, software, technology, services, communications infrastructure, strategic advisory, finance and real estate. Hyperscale cloud raised the bar for all the ecosystem participants and AI is threatening to take things to the next level. This complimentary white paper provides a comprehensive ecosystem map that details the pieces being assembled to tackle the generational task of building AI-oriented hyperscale infrastructure. Bringing the strategic elements and the expanding AI and hyperscale ecosystem together in one setting is the driving force behind infra / STRUCTURE, an executive summit Structure Research founded in 2018. We held the fifth edition last year in Las Vegas, Nevada and this will be the summit’s new permanent home after a four-year run in Toronto, Canada.

The annual executive summit infra / STRUCTURE, hosted by Structure Research, was founded to provide thought leadership and pave the way for all participants in the ecosystem to assemble in one venue to learn, network and get business done. Our goal is to create the marquee event for the sector, with a focus on content produced by independent third-party research and participation from operating executives and decision-makers from across the supporting ecosystem.

This complimentary white paper is being made available to potential sponsors and participants and paints a picture of what the strategic ecosystem and landscape is going to look like - providing a blueprint that service providers, investors and vendors alike can use to navigate and understand this market, and ultimately, find value and success.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about infra / STRUCTURE and ultimately, sponsor and attend. We trust that you will find the event a valuable investment of your time and look forward to welcoming and serving you in Las Vegas.

Best Regards,
The Structure Research Team